Why Choose
Intake Dynamics?
100% Legal
Intake Dynamics only handle calls for law firms. This guarantees that prospects contacting your firm will be handled professionally and qualified properly. Our intake specialists will have a thorough knowledge of the types of clients and claims you are seeking and can answer questions that turn leads into clients.
We make it personal
By using proprietary, state-of-the-art intake software, we greet callers by name to make them feel welcome. Our specialists access your firm’s specific questions and retention criteria to ask the prospect your custom qualification questions. Automation technology then routs your leads to your firm, removing any chance of error. Our software integrates seamlessly with the industry-leading intake and case management systems, flowing callers’ information directly into your firm.
You will receive comprehensive reports covering all calls and metrics.
Pay only for cases we deliver to you
Our dedication to serving our clients translates into our fees. We do not charge for talk time and there is no cost per lead. We focus on selling your firm to the prospective client and you pay us only when we succeed by retaining that client for you.